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São Paulo; São Gabriel da Cachoeira
This publication brings together a wealth of important information on an experience involving the production and marketing of Jiquitaia Pepper produced by the Baniwa communities of the Içana and Ayari Rivers. A project that involves research on and development of this product, implemented through a partnership involving ISA (Instituto Socioambiental), Oibi (Indigenous Organization of the Içana Basin), CABC (Coordination of Baniwa and Coripaco Associations), Foirn (Federation of Indigenous Organizations of the Rio Negro), Eibc-Pamáali (Baniwa and Coripaco Indigenous School Pamáali), Abric (Baniwa Association of Rio Içana and Cuiari / Tunui Cachoeira Community), Cedeh (Centre for Study and Outreach of the Herieni School / Ucuqui Cachoeira Community), EIBP (Paraattana Indigenous School), Mádzeero Indigenous School, Waliperedakenai Indigenous School / Canada Community, Eenawi Indigenous School and the Yamado Community.