Green advocates pan Dilma Rousseff's appointees

Eco Américas vol. 17 n. 3, jan.2015, p. 1, 9
31 de Jan de 2015

Green advocates pan Dilma Rousseff's appointees

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil has garnered favorable press in recent years for passing a climate-change law and reducing the rate of Amazon deforestation. But these successes stem from initiatives of the previous government, not that of President Dilma Rousseff, who was reelected last October to a second four-year term.

So a key question in recent weeks has been whether Rousseff in her second term will improve on her first-term environmental efforts, which have been widely criticized as lackluster at best. Judging by the composition of her new cabinet, many experts here say, the chances of substantial green-policy progress are unlikely.

Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira, a technocrat who has not challenged large-scale Amazon highway and dam projects, was reappointed. Meanwhile, Rousseff picked new leaders for the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)-Senator Kátia Abreu and Congressman Aldo Rebelo, respectively-who green advocates fear could compromise environmental initiatives aimed at climate protection.

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Eco Américas vol. 17 n. 3, jan.2015, p. 1, 9


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