A back door into the Amazon.

The Economist, p. 52-53
11 de Fev de 1989

Brazil: a back door into the Amazon.
Road through rain forest to Amazon river financed by Japanese

From our Washington correspondent

The Economist (US)

THREE American senators made a disturbing discovery in the Amazon rain forest last month. They found preparations for a paved road to be built from the western Brazilian province of Acre to Pucallpa in Peru and thence over the Andes to Lima. The bulldozers are ready to start as soon as the dry season opens in April. Who, asked the senators (Tim Wirth, Albert Gore and John Heinz), is to pay for this road, which will open a back door into the Amazon? Japanese banks, came the reply.

The Economist, 11/02/1989, p. 52-53


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