Autor: Instituto Socioambiental - ISA
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The mini-documentary "Xingu, stories about forest products" chronicles forest production chains supported by the Amazon Fund, under the program “Sociobiodiversity Production Chains in Xingu”. The program was conducted by ISA and 12 partner organizations in the Xingu Basin, in the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, from 2014 to 2016.
Learn more about the Xingu Seed Network, the pequi-fruit oil produced by the Kisêdjê people, the Araguaia pulp factory and Terra do Meio chestnuts, oils and rubber. These forest products tell stories of the people who live in and from the forest, in an integrated and sustainable manner. They strengthen both the Amazon and the identity its dwellers. For more information go to…
Produced by Instituto Socioambiental (ISA)
Direction and Cinematography: Fabio Nascimento
Executive Producers: Bruno Weis, Daniela Jorge de Paula, Rodrigo Junqueira, Jeferson Straatmann,
Interviews conducted by: Marina Yamaoka and Isabel Harari
Editing: Daniel Carezzato
Animation: Sérgio Castro
Sound track: Bruno Prado
Narration: Dani Scopin
Local Production Team: Augusto Postigo, Dannyel Sá, Fabiola Silva, Eduardo Malta, Ana Lúcia Silva Souza, Bruna Dayanna Ferreira, Cláudia Araújo, Sadi Elsenbach, Benedito Alzeni Bento (Nim), Cleudemir Peixoto (Cleu).
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank all the indigenous people, riverside dwellers, extractivist communities and family farmers who are part of this story. We also thank Associação Rede de Sementes do Xingu, Associações de moradores da Terra do Meio (Amora, Amoreri and Amomex), Associação Indígena Kĩsêdjẽ (AIK), Movimento das Mulheres Yarang, Associação Indígena Moygu Comunidade Ikpeng (AIMCI) and Assentamento Dom Pedro. Finally, thanks to our partners in the European Union, EDF, Fundação Moore, Rainforest, Manos Unidas, Fundo Vale, ANSA, Instituto Bacuri, Imaflora, Funbio, Amazonia Live, Firmenich, Wickbold, Mercur, Tucum, Atina, Grupo Resek, Articulação Xingu Araguaia (AXA), Natura, Borges & Prudente and AFB.
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