Autor: Instituto Socioambiental - ISA
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Times have changed. And so have the Indigenous People. But they continue to fight for the right to be an Indigenous People.
If you are not like your great-great-grandfather anymore, why can not the Indigenous people change as well?
Incorporate habits considered to be "white man" habits, like wearing clothes or using technology, does not make the Indian less Indigenous.
They continue to struggle to maintain their indigenous identity and culture.
Share the video and help to end prejudice.
#MenosPreconceitoMaisÍndio #LessPrejudiceMoreIndigenous
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Agency: J.Walter Thompson Brasil
Customer: Instituto Socioambiental
Product: ------
CCOs: Ricardo John and Rodrigo Grau
ECD: Humberto Fernandez
Head of art: Humberto Fernandez
Creative Direction: Mariana Borga
Art Direction: Caio Gandolfi
Writing by: Diego Ferrite and Mariana Borga
Customer service: Renata Buess, Henrique Sarcinella and Caio Sabag
Media: João Dabbur, Camila Bertoli and Pedro Graça
Planning: Fernand Alphen, Bertrand Coca and Marcus Pesavento
RTV Director: Marcia Lacaze
RTV Production: Marcia Lacaze
Producer: Prodigo Films
Director: Andre Godoi and Daniel Klajmic
Executive Director: Francesco Civita
Executive Producer: Gregory Bontá and Nathalie Gautier
Executive Production ISA: Beto Ricardo, André Villas-Bôas, Bruno Weis, Jurandir Craveiro
Executive Production Oibi: André Baniwa
Cinematography by: Daniel Klajmic
Cast: Residents of the Tucumã Rupitá Community and teachers and students of the Baniwa Indigenous School Coripaco Pamáali, Rio Içana, Amazonas
Post-Coordination: Tutu Mesquita
Editor: Kauê Kabrera
Finishing: Dot
Post-production: Tutu Mesquita
Customer Service (Producer): Tatiana Cinelli, Chico Pedreira, Claudia Rocha
Sound Department: Satelite Audio
Teacher: Satellite Team
Sound Production Customer Service: Fernanda Costa and Tiago Armani
Approval / client: André Villas-Bôas / Instituto Socioambiental
Acknowledgments: Carlos Barreto, André Baniwa, Adeílson Lopes da Silva, Wizer de Oliveira Almeida, Claudino Silva and all the residents of the Tucumã Rupitá Community and all the teachers and students of the Baniwa Coripaco Pamáali Indigenous School